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Trei sferturi dintre angajații români sunt stresați, iar 80% s-au îmbolnăvit din această cauză

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În plus, doi din trei români au probleme cu somnul. În condiţiile date, e cam greu să-i faci să fie şi motivaţi, să lucreze mai bine şi mai mult. Şi totuşi, managerii au găsit răspunsul la întrebarea ce vor angajaţii, de fapt. Specialiştii în resurse umane au discutat despre ultimele tendinţe în domeniul motivării angajaţilor.

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Company-wide wellness programs are more of a necessity than a choice, says Alina Grozescu

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She was a gymnast as a child, a badminton champion in her teenage years and now she’s running a successful business in the corporate wellness industry. Alina Grozescu is the entrepreneur who brings relaxation and happiness to companies’ employees all around Romania. Over the past ten years, she has worked with more than 200 and convinced them that “wellness” is a concept they should focus on. Recently, she launched a new brand – Wellington and is eager to grow this USD 40 billion industry.

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